Wednesday 22 February 2012

Pictures with Stories

I love this image and I'm very sorry to report that I dont know where it's from so I cant reference or credit it to anyone...I found it on Tumbler I think.....the reasons I love are many but mainly because I have a fantasy of owning a country store but also because I soooo want to know what she's thinking...just staring off, lost in a daydream or in a's possible to imagine so many things about this woman's life......

.......this could have been her as a young woman, staring out to sea....I love this photo, it's actually my daughter, taken by her friend Haley, I imagine many people have taken the same photo....but I love the composition and apparently some people, quite a few of my friends infact, tell me that when they are close to a cliff edge or a bridge or a high window they imagine, even fantasise about what it would be like to jump..................................................or

......maybe she's gazing across to this castle on an island and wondering how to get down the cliff to swim across and climb the ladder to go inside and meet who lives there....again no photo credits so I've no idea whether this is a real place or a computer manipulated image.......

I love the way that the lampshade throws the pattern of light on this painting in my house.....and this face tells a thousand stories to me everytime I walk past it......

I've mentioned before my passion for tools..( maybe thats why I'd like a country store!)......these lovely examples belong to leatherworker Jason Ross aka Artemas Quibble you can see more photos of his studio in Brooklyn at .....

and below this stunning photo from Angela Ritchie..(Ace camps) of Tibetan Prayer flags on the most monumental scale, as a textile artist I consider it to be the most incredible unintentional installation I have ever seen.

Hope you enjoy these images as much as me!

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